
28 February 2016


Top Quotes About Investing

. "Reliability investing requires finding companies trading below their inherent worth - stocks with strong fundamentals including earnings, dividends, book value, and cash flow selling at bargain prices give their quality."
Author: Amah Lambert

. "Successful companies are built by investing lare amount of money and hundreds of litres of sweat."
Author: Amit Kalantri

. "And what I'm interested in is investing in people."
Author: Arthur Rock

. "A leadership development plan has to address these three phases: Identifying emerging leaders Investing in the development of emerging leaders Entrusting responsibility to emerging leaders"
Author: Bill Hybels

. "In a time of tight budgets, difficult choices have to be made. We must make sure our very limited resources are spent on priorities. I believe we should have no higher priority than investing in our children's classrooms and in their future."
Author: Bob Riley

. "...After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of the opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are the moving impulses of our life. But it is only those who do not understand our people, who believe that our national life is entirely absorbed by material motives. We make no concealment of the fact that we want wealth, but there are many other things that we want much more. We want peace and honor, and that charity which is so strong an element of all civilization. The chief ideal of the American people is idealism."
Author: Calvin Coolidge

. "Many businesses fail because the owner wasn't willing to invest and wasn't educated on the difference between spending money frivolously and investing money into the business for growth, and the risks and rewards of that cash infusion."
Author: Carol Roth

. "If you defer investing your time and energy until you see that you need to, chances are it will already be too late."
Author: Clayton M. Christensen

. "Democrats are going to proudly run on the fact that we turned the economy around. It was our policies under President Obama's leadership through the Recovery Act, through investing in the automobile industry."
Author: Debbie Wasserman Schultz

. "If we continue on the present course, with big foundations and the federal government investing heavily in opening more charter schools, the result is predictable. Charter schools in urban centers will enroll the motivated children of the poor, while the regular public schools will become schools of last resort for those who never applied or were rejected."
Author: Diane Ravitch

. "I was educated to think maybe Brazil works, maybe it doesn't. But I decided I am going to make this country work for my children. I am investing all my effort now in making Brazil a great country."
Author: Eike Batista

. "Time Progression: Wasting >>Spending >> Managing >> Investing"
Author: Elizabeth Grace Saunders

. "My venture investing career has three phases, all roughly 6-8 years long. The first, at Euclid, was software to Internet. The second, at Flatiron, was Internet to bubble. And the third, at USV, has been web 2 to mobile. I have always used a new firm to denote a new investment phase for me. Throw away the old. Start with the new."
Author: Fred Wilson

. "Normally I would not recommend a book that tells you how to make money in the stock market. Most of these books are aimed at gullible folk, and they usually make much more money for their authors than they do for the investing public."
Author: Gavyn Davies

. "Our Fly Smart philosophy is about investing only on those points of differentiation that pay for themselves, that earn a revenue premium commensurate with what it costs us to provide that product or service."
Author: Gerard Arpey

. "Whether fuel cell system development in central Oregon, wind power generation along the Columbia Gorge, or geothermal energy in southern Oregon, investing in new energy sources makes America more energy independent while creating good paying, environmentally friendly jobs."
Author: Greg Walden

. "Investing in health will produce enormous benefits."
Author: Gro Harlem Brundtland

. "So if I keep making mistakes on Broadway or tape or film, producing, directing or acting, I can go along and do it - so long as I'm not investing too much capital in these things."
Author: Jackie Cooper

. "Investing in industries and technology for the 21st century generates high-skilled, high-wage jobs for industries of the future."
Author: Jay Inslee

. "In a world that is becoming increasingly dangerous and materialistic, there is a dire need to help people discover their purpose and understand that we all have a need towards investing in an egalitarian, humane, just and responsible society or otherwise tomorrow eve our own children shall be unsafe."
Author: Jeroninio Almeida

. "In celebration of this Earth Day, I encourage all Members of the House to support legislation aimed at investing in the improvement of water quality in our Nation's lakes, rivers, streams and estuaries."
Author: Jerry Costello

. "Ethanol reduces our dependence on foreign sources of oil and is an important weapon in the War on Terror. By investing in South Dakota's ethanol producers, we will strengthen our energy security and create new jobs."
Author: John Thune

. "The art of investing is not about figuring out what has already happened. It's about anticipating the future and creating the future that others will read about in The Wall Street Journal."
Author: Joshua Rogers

. "One thing about the business and investing world that I connect to very intimately is that there is little room to deny the harsh realities of your mistakes. A bad call can lose you many millions."
Author: Joshua Waitzkin

. "Of course, giving is deeply emotional. But supplementing emotion with research makes it more likely that a gift can have a bigger impact. It's like any investment. After all, you wouldn't put funds into stocks or bonds without understanding the potential return. Why wouldn't you do the same when investing in society?"
Author: Laura Arrillaga Andreessen

. "Drop Activities that Zap your Energy. Let your feelings be your guide. If you're feeling resentful by investing time with a networking group where you aren't getting referrals (and you're always giving them) or spending time listening to colleagues complain, your feelings may be telling you it's time to move on. It's amazing what opens up for you when you let go of an activity or a relationship that no longer energizes you."
Author: Lisa A. Mininni

. "If 22 bushels (1,300 pounds) of rice and 22 bushels of winter grain are harvested from a quarter acre field, then the field will support five to ten people each investing an average of less than one hour of labour per day. But if the field were turned over to pasturage, or if the grain were fed to cattle, only one person could be supported per quarter acre. Meat becomes a luxury food when its production requires land which could provide food directly for human consumption. This has been shown clearly and definitely. Each person should ponder seriously how much hardship he is causing by indulging in food so expensively produced."
Author: Masanobu Fukuoka

. "Of course. I favor passive investing for most investors, because markets are amazingly successful devices for incorporating information into stock prices."
Author: Merton Miller

. "And I think the more money you put in people's hands, the more they will spend. And if they don't spend it, they invest it. And investing it is another way of creating jobs. It puts money into mutual funds or other kinds of banks that can go out and make loans, and we need to do that."
Author: Michael Bloomberg

. "Investing now in safe-guarding people by helping them to adapt to climate change, will help save money and lives while building resilience."
Author: Michael Franti

. "Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people."
Author: Michael W. Smith

. "I believe in infrastructure, I believe in investing in your hard assets. Where I think government starts to fail is when it starts getting itself weighed down with the social programs. And I think the American public just feels like a lot of that money is tossed aside and wasted."
Author: Mick Cornett

. "Industries with rapid change are the enemy of the investor. Tech businesses, particularly biotech, is a problem from that point of view. All industries work with change, but you should ideally be investing in businesses with a low rate of change, not a high rate of change."
Author: Mohnish Pabrai

. "Tax incentives might spur hiring in the short run, but how lasting are those gains if the jobs expire with the tax credits and they come at the expense of investing in the new technologies of the future?"
Author: Myron Scholes

. "The UNICEF State of the World's Children report for 2001 stated that ‘for a government that wants to improve the lot of its people, investing in the first years of life is the best money it can spend. But tragically, both for children and for nations, these are the years that receive the least attention."
Author: Oliver James

. "You have to be constantly reinventing yourself and investing in the future."
Author: Reid Hoffman

. "Now, you'll have to answer my questions.""Oh, very well," Set said. "I like Brazil for the World Cup. I'd advise investing in platinum and small-cap funds. And your lucky numbers this week are 2, 13--""Not those questions!" Menshikov snapped."
Author: Rick Riordan

. "Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.It is not enough to just say relationships are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. "My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action." Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is "T-I-M-E."
Author: Rick Warren

. "Do you have all that you desire? The health, the home, the career or the relationship? Look to where you're investing your time the most, is it dedicated to achieving those desires?"
Author: Rob Liano

. "How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case."
Author: Robert G. Allen

. "Buffett's uncommon urge to chronicle made him a unique character in American life, not only a great capitalist but the Great Explainer of American capitalism. He taught a generation how to think about business, and he showed that securities were not just tokens like the Monopoly flatiron, and that investing need not be a game of chance. It was also a logical, commonsensical enterprise, like the tangible businesses beneath. He stripped Wall Street of its mystery and rejoined it to Main Street -- a mythical or disappearing place, perhaps, but one that is comprehensible to the ordinary American."
Author: Roger Lowenstein

. "As a bull market continues, almost anything you buy goes up. It makes you feel that investing in stocks is a very easy and safe and that you're a financial genius."
Author: Ron Chernow

. "Wouldn't it be amazing if we spent as much energy investing in experiences as we do investing in things?"
Author: Ruzwana Bashir

. "Michael Arrington, the loudmouth founder and former editor in chief of TechCrunch, is famous for investing in the start-ups that his blogs would then cover. Although he no longer runs TechCrunch, he was a partner in two investment funds during his tenure and now manages his own, CrunchFund. In other words, even when he is not a direct investor he has connections or interests in dozens of companies on his beat, and his insider knowledge helps turn profits for the firm."
Author: Ryan Holiday

. "I've been doing a hybrid of investing and entrepreneurship, which I think initially I wasn't set out to do. But I realized it fit my personality."
Author: Sean Parker

. "The idea of investing in the positivity of employees is often low down on companies' priority lists."
Author: Shawn Achor

. "Not only does investing in your infrastructure provide very good construction jobs, at the end of the project, you have something."
Author: Shelley Berkley

. "We must safely secure our border by investing in more law enforcement and technology, and receiving cooperation from the Mexican government."
Author: Timothy Murphy

. "Investing Our Time To EMPOWER Children Today...Will Make A Better HUMANITY Tomorrow!"
Author: Timothy Pina

. "First of all, in terms of investment in Internet-related developments, venture capitalists - once burned - are now very cautious and are investing in areas that actually make business sense."
Author: Vinton Cerf
"Planning complex, beautiful meals and investing one's heart and time in their preparation is the opposite of self-indulgence. Kitchen-based family gatherings are process-oriented, cooperative, and in the best of worlds, nourishing and soulful. A lot of calories get used up before anyone sits down to consume. But more importantly, a lot of talk happens first, news exchanged, secrets revealed across generations, paths cleared with a touch on the arm. I have given and received some of my life's most important hugs with those big oven-mitt potholders on both hands."
Author: Barbara Kingsolver

. "Investing in luck squanders skill."
Author: Brian Farrey

. "I had a couple come in with a negative amortization mortgage on a house that costs way too much relative to their income. They're consuming real estate, not investing in it."
Author: Chris Cooper

. "Things change, not only in one's life but also in the economy and on the political scene, and it pays to be aware. Is the foundation of your financial house secure, with an income that is guaranteed? Have you built solid walls, investing appropriately,and keeping inflation at bay? Are you living under a reliable roof, with assets positioned to grow? Is your house insulated and sturdy, safe from any economic storm?"
Author: Christopher K. Abts

. "Death is a long process," Archer says. "Your body is just the first part of you that croaks." Meaning: Beyond that, your dreams have to die. Then your expectations. And your anger about investing a lifetime in learning shit and loving people and earning money, only to have all that crap come to basically nothing. Really, your physical body dying is the easy part. Beyond that, your memories must die. And your ego. Your pride and shame and ambition and hope, all that Personal Identity Crap can take centuries to expire."
Author: Chuck Palahniuk

. "You can talk all you want about having a clear purpose and strategy for your life, but ultimately this means nothing if you are not investing the resources you have in a way that is consistent with your strategy. In the end, a strategy is nothing but good intentions unless it's effectively implemented."
Author: Clayton M. Christensen

. "Both poker and investing are games of incomplete information. You have a certain set of facts and you are looking for situations where you have an edge, whether the edge is psychological or statistical."
Author: David Einhorn

. "I do a lot of media work, I've been investing and I'm involved with real estate. It's totally different from what I had been doing but I find it challenging and fun. To be honest, I really don't miss the track. I pretty well accomplished what I set out to do and it was time to move on."
Author: Donovan Bailey

. "All of our competitors around the world, every country is investing more in infrastructure as a percentage of their GDP than we are. And down the road our children and grandchildren will have to compete with that more and more."
Author: Douglas R. Oberhelman

. "I am not criticizing investing in the stock market; I am an investor."
Author: Grace Napolitano

. "Jewish families encourage pursuit of wealth accumulation, high-income careers, and investing."
Author: H.W. Charles

. "We have been getting ready to recycle more e-waste by investing in infrastructure, providing grants to local government and working with industry."
Author: Jay Weatherill

. "Index investing outperforms active management year after year."
Author: Jim Rogers

. "The grim irony of investing, then, is that we investors as a group not only don't get what we pay for, we get precisely what we don't pay for. So if we pay for nothing, we get everything."
Author: John C. Bogle

. "Successful investing is anticipating the anticipations of others."
Author: John Maynard Keynes

. "I take more jobs when I need more money, if I'm investing in films. I take fewer when I don't. Or if something really good comes along, I usually find a way to do a good job on it in the time that I've got."
Author: John Sayles

. "A True Investor Never Give-up Investing"
Author: Jonathan Feldman

. "I suppose if I were younger, I would be investing in Africa."
Author: Julian Robertson

. "I didn't kill Francis," I said. "He managed that all by himself. And Lee was dragged off by a demon he summoned. Nick went over a bridge." Mrs. Sarong's smile widened, and she patted my hand again. "Very well done on the last one," she said, glancing at her daughter. "Leaving an old boyfriend to clutter future relationships is investing in trouble."
Author: Kim Harrison

. "While many applauded Oprah for opening her heart to young girls in South Africa, some criticized her for not investing in the youth of America."
Author: Kitty Kelley

. "The good news in investing is there are no HR problems. If there are no humans, there are no problems!"
Author: Mohnish Pabrai

. "The enormous amount of financial resources and creative energy that nations have spent on wars and weapons could have been redirected to curing deadly diseases, feeding the hungry, eliminating poverty, promoting art and culture, investing in renewable clean energy, and solving a host of other important challenges facing humanity."
Author: Newton Lee

. "One thing I'd like to do is angel investing in small companies. That's what's exciting, and if you are lucky to have a bit of money, you can take those risks."
Author: Nick D'Aloisio

. "So if we are really concerned about generating more taxes, we ought to be investing in our people, not taking away the kinds of resources that contribute to their ability to become greater taxpayers in this country."
Author: Patrick J. Kennedy

. "Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas."
Author: Paul Samuelson

. "Potential stakeholders usually rely upon governance elements prior to investing their time, talent, and/or money."
Author: Robert E. Davis

. "Companies that are made up of clusters of leaders will actually accelerate their growth by speeding up their rate of innovation as their competition pulls back, build better teams by investing in people while their rivals shrink training budgets, and pick up top talent as their industry peers lay people off. And so fast companies get that unsettling times are actually gifts for them and periods to get so far ahead of the competition that they can never catch up."
Author: Robin S. Sharma

. "Mutual funds give people the sense that they're investing with the big boys and that they're really not at a disadvantage entering the stock market."
Author: Ron Chernow

. "Mutual funds were created to make investing easy, so consumers wouldn't have to be burdened with picking individual stocks."
Author: Scott Cook

. "I was investing more and more of myself into an outcome I couldn't predict and would very likely be disappointed by. But for me there was no other option."
Author: Shawn Kirsten Maravel

. "The threat from extreme weather events highlights the importance of investing in preparedness."
Author: Sheri Fink

. "If he was still alive when this was all over, he might try to find a woman he could spend a night with. One who would understand that he wasn't worth investing any serious energy in, someone who would expect nothing from an emotionally bankrupt man…Add fifty bucks and that would be a hooker, Einstein.' (Nathan)"
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

. "Only by investing and speaking your vision with passion can the truth, one way or the other, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world."

. "Modern amorists are sometimes taken aback at the prospect of investing in a relationship with no guarantee of reward. It is precisely that absence, however, that separates gift from shrewdness. Love cannot be extracted, commanded, demanded, or wheedled. It can only be given. (208)"
Author: Thomas Lewis


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